

Ruby Skin Set

From $69.30

Butterfly Ruby
Karambit Ruby
Blade type
M9 Bayonet Ruby
Blade type
Gut knife Ruby
Flip knife Ruby
Talon White Ruby
14 days return guarantee
14 days return guarantee
2 years warranty
2 years warranty
Shipping cost US only $6.6
Shipping cost US only $6.6

From $69.30

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US shipping $6.6
In Stock, Shipped in 2 days
From $69.30
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About Ruby skin

The CS2 Ruby skin is a popular rarity among CS2 knife collectors. This is due to its striking red and black finish, inspired by the classic design of samurai swords. The Ruby skin is available on the Karambit, Butterfly, Bayonet, Shadow Daggers and Talon knives. The red colour scheme provides a powerful visual in-game, making it perfect for those looking to stand out visually. The black accents help to further highlight the unique features of this knife. The Ruby skin is one of the most popular choices for players looking to add a little something extra to their game.
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