
Check the vast selection of IRL replicas of CS2 knives. The precisely executed texture in detail corresponds to their pixel brothers. Astonishing, exclusive skins with glossy varnish are stylish to look at and also scratch resistant.

Knife type

Our knives

You viewed 16 of 147 products blades are made of stainless steel, which is highly durable and provides an ideal base for applying the most popular CS2 skins. All skins are developed inhouse by our designers and manufactured exclusively for us. Due to the quality of the varnish and modern application techniques, there is no scratching or other wear that would reduce the collectable value of the knife. When you remove them from the stand or take them out of the case, you will appreciate the ergonomically shaped handle, which ensures a firm and secure grip. The entire collection of weapons is inspired by the classic and latest additions in the game CS2 knife weaponry, so you will always have new models to add to your collection.

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