

Marble Fade Skin Set

From $69.30

Butterfly Marble Fade
Karambit Marble Fade
Blade type
Karambit Marble Fade: Ice & Fire
Blade type
Premium Karambit Marble Fade: Ice & Fire
Blade type
M9 Bayonet Marble Fade
Blade type
Huntsman Marble Fade
Gut knife Marble Fade
Talon Marble Fade
Ursus Marble Fade
14 days return guarantee
14 days return guarantee
2 years warranty
2 years warranty
Shipping cost US only $6.6
Shipping cost US only $6.6

From $69.30

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US shipping $6.6
In Stock, Shipped in 2 days
From $69.30
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About Marble Fade skin

The Marble Fade skin in CS2 is a real standout when applied to any of the available knives. The intricate marbling pattern, coupled with its mid-twentieth century color scheme, creates a beautiful finish to any knife. It's also one of the rarest skins in the game, so you'll be sure to turn heads with your Marbled Fade knife. It's the perfect combination of looks and rarity, making it one of the most sought after skins in the game. Whether it's the Karambit, the Gut Knife, or any of the other CS2 knives, the Marble Fade skin is sure to make it a unique and valuable item.
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