

Vanilla Skin Set

From $69.30

Butterfly Vanilla
Karambit Vanilla
Blade type
M9 Bayonet Vanilla
Huntsman Vanilla
14 days return guarantee
14 days return guarantee
2 years warranty
2 years warranty
Shipping cost US only $6.6
Shipping cost US only $6.6

From $69.30

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US shipping $6.6
In Stock, Shipped in 2 days
From $69.30
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About Vanilla skin

CS2 Vanilla skins are relatively rare, existing only in the “Restricted” and “Classified” rarity classifications. They can be found on the Bayonet, Huntsman, Karambit and Butterfly Knife. These knives offer beautifully crafted details and have a unique design. The Vanilla skins have an eye-catching pearl white finish that gives the knives an elegant and sophisticated look. The Vanilla skins also have a subdued yet stylish texture that oozes high-quality craftsmanship. The rarity of the Vanilla skins makes them highly sought after and also adds to their value. Players who own a CS2 Vanilla skin have something truly special that only a small amount of people are lucky to have.
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