
One of the most popular skins is the Lore skin, which was added to the game in August of 2017. This skin is available on a variety of weapons, including rifles, pistols, and knives.

When it comes to knives, the Lore skin is available on a variety of knives, including the Karambit, M9 Bayonet, Butterfly Knife, and more. The rarity of the Lore skin in the game is classified as rare. This means that it is not as common as some of the other skins in the game, making it more desirable to players. The rarity of the skin also affects the market value, with rarer skins being more expensive than more common skins.

It is available on a variety of weapons, including knives, and its rarity makes it more desirable to players. The market value of the knives with this type of skin can vary depending on the type and rarity of the skin, but generally, the rarer the skin, the higher the price.

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