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Bowie knife Fade


The real Bowie knife Fade knife!

Meticulously crafted legendary CS2 monster knife, its blade forged in fire, this knife is a must-have replica for CS2 fans, knife-enthusiasts, collectors, nerds, and true warriors. This blade is the real deal.

Already have it? Check out different Bowie knife skins, as well as our selection of other CS2 knives.
Quality steel: 57 HRC
Quality steel: 57 HRC
14 days return guarantee
14 days return guarantee
2 years warranty
2 years warranty
Shipping cost EU only 5€
Shipping cost EU only 5€
1 × Sheath
1 × CS2 Stickers - 10 pcs
1 × Keychain: AK-47
1 × Universal Display stand - Beast


Secure payment
EU shipping 5€
In Stock, Shipped in 2 days


Knife type Bowie knife
Skin Fade

Factory New

Real life replica


Blade type Dull, Sharp
Blade material

440C (stainless steel)

Steel hardness

57 HRC




2 years

Beast Blade

The Bowie knife has one of the largest blades in the CS2 universe. So there are no corners to hide in the precision and perfection of the skin, every inaccuracy will be visible… can’t you see them? Because there are none on our knives.

Beast Blade

Engraved blade

When we say replica, we mean down to the last detail. For the ultimate in authenticity, we have not left out the legendary bull’s head and you will find it engraved on each side of the blade of the Bowie knife.

Engraved blade

Bowie knife display stand

CS2 Bowie knife Fade looks truly amazing when displayed on our LootKnife display stand. Let your Bowie knife shine!

<a href="">Bowie knife</a> display stand

Made with precision, packed with love

We spare no effort or resources to give you a unique unboxing experience. Our designers have done their best to create an unrivalled package for this beautiful knife.

About Fade skin

CS2’s Fade skin is an incredibly popular and sought after skin, due to its vibrant color palette and effects. The Fade skin provides your weapons a rainbow gradient that changes color depending on the angle of the light. Fade is especially popular when it comes to CS2 knives, since the design of the rainbow gradient adds a stylish flair to the knives, making them look more dynamic and vibrant. The Fade skin is exceedingly rare, which adds to its prestige, and is an excellent choice for knife collectors and players looking to level up their inventory. Whether you’re trying to show off your fashion sense in-game, or just want to make a statement, the Fade skin is a great choice for your CS2 knife collection.

And this is what you get:
  • An authentic replica of the classic survival CS2 knife, inspired by the blades of the pioneers of the Wild West
  • Razor sharp blade, made from the highest quality stainless steel (Grade 440C)
  • LootKnife knives are REALLY sharp. Be careful when playing!
  • Exclusive Fade skin, custom made by
  • Durable and scratch resistant blade finish and lacquer
  • Grip handle that fits comfortably in your hand
  • Packaged in a gift box designed by

Bowie knife

One of the biggest knives in the game, this classic survival knife is no joke. A perfectly balanced blade combined with an improved handle for a super-comfortable grip makes this knife a masterpiece of LootKnife craftsmanship.

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